Sunday, 8 December 2013

Our joint recipe book

In our joint recipe book we are compilating some recipes from each participating country.
Some of these dishes have been made by the students.  Some have some connection with the local legend...
You can find the recipes clicking on this link

The Czech legend: The Golem

Our treasure box never gets tired and now it has now travelled to Prague in the Czech Republic.  That will be our first destination in 2014. Now we are all working with the legend of the Golem.  You can find the legend in this link.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

The meeting in Turkey: Press releases

Catalonia (Spain):

The meeting in Turkey: Saturday activities

 On Saturday we were in the big city of Izmir.  We sailed on the bay and visited the Konak and the market.  Later we had our farewell party and sang the "Land of Fairy Tales song".
You can see pictures of this day clicking on this link

Meeting in Turkey: Friday activities

On Friday we visited the ruins of the temple of Artemis in Selçuk.  We could also see the Isa Bey Camii and the remains of the Basilica of St John.  Later we went to Sirince and to the Locomotive Museum.  In the afternoon we visitied the famous ruins of Ephesus.
You can see pictures of that day in this link

Meeting in Turkey: The legend and the puzzles

 One of the most important activities on Thursday was the performance of the legend of The Love of Artemis and Orion.  We could also see some of the dances that are performed before a wedding.
The different schools also presented their puzzles with scenes from the Turkish legend.
We can see pictures of all these aspects in this link

Meeting in Turkey: Thursday activities

 On Thursday we arrived at the Turkish school and we were welcome by the project song.  After several speeches and presentations there were dances, games to know each other.  We also planted trees and visited the ruins of the ancient city of Metropolis.
You can see these activities in this link

Thursday, 3 October 2013

The Turkish legend: The Love of Artemis and Orion

 Our treasure box has now travelled to Izmir, Turkey.  That will be our next destination. Now we are going to work with the Turkish legend.  It is called the Love of Artemis and Orion.  You can find the legend in this link.

The Land of Fairy Tales

This is the performance of our song "The Land of Fairy Tales" (in Austria). It deals with the legends we are getting to know in each meeting.

Monday, 30 September 2013

Meeting in Graz - Saturday

Saturday, our third day in Graz
Visit of the Lurgrotte

Click for more fotos

Meeting in Graz - Friday (II)

Friday, the second day of our meeting.
Visit of the Town hall
Visit of a pumpkin seed oil press

Click here for more fotos

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Graz Meeting- Welcome (I)

Thursday, September 26th, 2013, the first day of our meeting at the NMS Puntigam in Graz/Austria.
Welcoming of the participating schools.
The Play: The Aquarius in the Lurgrotte
Introducing of the participating schools.
Activity program, Working with Fotostory

Click here for more pictures

Monday, 23 September 2013


National-Anthem-Mash for the Contrallala project - a parallel project involving music. It has been made and edited by Noah Tauche and the Offene Schule Waldau students with the collaboration of the Comenius partners .

Monday, 16 September 2013

Greetings from Graz

Only a few more days before our meeting will start. We are looking forward to welcoming you at NMS Puntigam!

Monday, 15 July 2013

Project pictures using Instagram

Now you can post and share your project pictures using instagram.
You just need to write the tag #ettcomenius to your instagram pictures and they will be displayed on the side bar of the blog. 

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Legend website wins European Award

The website set by students of Institut Antoni Pous i Argila from Manlleu has won the “best content” prize of the Dot Awards. 
The aim of the awards is to reward the students who build attractive and efficient websites.  This edition of the prize received entries from France, Belgium and the Catalan speaking areas.
The five students who built this web page played an active role in the Comenius project meeting in Manlleu last April.  The website - focused on the tale The Serpent of Manlleu - is another product of the work with legends which takes place in the schools involved in the project.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Thursday, 2 May 2013

The Austrian legend: The Aquarius in the Lurgrotte

Our treasure box has now travelled to Graz, Austria.  This will be our next destination too. Now we are going to work with the Austrian legend called The Aquarius in the Lurgrotte.  You can read the legend following this link

Manlleu meeting: Press releases

  • Catalonia:  A report on the meeting and the reception in the Manlleu city council: An article at the digital newspaper
  • Catalonia:  Article (in Catalan) in the weekly newspaper El Diari de Manlleu (see below) 
  • Catalonia:  Article (in Catalan) in the weekly newspaper El 9 Nou (see below)

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Manlleu meeting (IV): Activities and visits

As in the previous meetings there were a lot of visits and activities planned in Catalonia:  A visit to Barcelona, a visit to the market in Vic (in persistent rain).  There was also geocaching and some games and activities with computers.  Finally there was some food and dance in the farewell party.  Probably one of the highlights of the meeting was the performance of the project song:  The Land of Fairy Tales by all participants.

You can see some of these activities in this link.

Manlleu meeting (III): The powerpoint presentations

The six visiting countries had made six powerpoint presentations with their vision of the Catalan legend. 

In the following links you can see the presentations (though they don't have sound or transitions):

Manlleu meeting (II): The Catalan legend

The performance of the legend "The serpent of Manlleu" was one of the main events of the first day of the meeting.  You can see some pictures of that morning in this link.

Manlleu meeting (I): Teachers, students and families

The third project meeting took place in Manlleu from the 24th to the 28th of April.  In this picture you can see all the students and teachers who participated in the meeting.

In this link you can see teachers and students that participated in this meeting. 

Monday, 15 April 2013

Our project song: The Land of Fairy Tales

Song online!!!

Hello everyone,
there are two versions of our song online. Now you can rehearse the song at home and start learning the lyrics with the melody. Hope it will help and be fun!



Song with melody:

Karaoke version:

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Happy Easter!!!

Easter time has arrived while we are working with the Serpent of Manlleu.  But we also remember the witch, the devil and of course lovely Rapunzel.
This is a photograph of a Catalan Easter cake called "mona"...  (picture taken in Barcelona on 24th March).

Friday, 15 March 2013

The Catalan legend: The Serpent of Manlleu

Nowadays we are all working of the legend of Manlleu. You can read the story following this link.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Kassel meeting: Press releases

These are some press releases after the meeting in Kassel:
  • Catalonia:  Article (in Catalan) at digital news page  You can see it here..  
  • Catalonia:  Article (in Catalan) at digital news page  You can see it here
  • Catalonia:  Article (in Catalan) in the weekly newspaper El 9 Nou (see below)
  • Catalonia:  Article (in Catalan) in the weekly newspaper El Diari de Manlleu (see below)

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Kassel meeting IV: Activities and visits

During the stay in Kassel our hosts had organised a lot of different activities:  Geocaching, treasure hunts, games to get to know each other...  We also visited Rapunzel castle in Trendelburg and danced in the farewell party.  You can see some of the things we did in this link.

Kassel meeting (III): Posters

The different countries brought their posters of the German legend to Kassel.  There the participants presented their work and could appreciate the task made by their colleagues.  You can see the posters in this link

Kassel meeting (II): The German legend

One of the highlights of the Kassel meeting was the reception with the performance of the legend "Rapunzel".  You can see some pictures of that  morning in this link

Kassel meeting (I): Teachers, students and families

The second project meeting took place in Kassel from the 27th of February to the 3rd of March.  In this picture you can see most of the teachers who attended the meeting.

In this link you can see teachers, students and families who participated in the German meeting.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Your German Hosts From Class 5c

Hello everyone,
this is an overview of all your host kids from class 5c. We're so looking forward to meeting you very soon. We've been working on a lot of "Rapunzel"-related projects and can't wait to see what you've prepared.

Have safe trips to Kassel and see you soon!


Thursday, 7 February 2013

Rapunzel everywhere

Dear everyone!
We spent a wonderful day with Rapunzel few weeks ago. We would like to share some photos with you - we discovered the story and the background including Grimm’s brothers, started the posters, and even weighed our hair. We had lots of fun!  Here is the link to the photos.
Looking forward to seeing you all again in Kassel!
The Czech team

Monday, 28 January 2013

The German Legend: Rapunzel

These days we are all busy making posters of the German legend.  It's the story of Rapunzel.  You can find the text of the legend clicking on the envelope.  See you soon in Kassel!!